A brilliant site which includes mp3 and midi files for just about everything you can think of and if it's not there, John welcomes suggestions for new pieces. There is a suggested £5 donation to help with costs - well worth it. The choir now has its own membership. Username and Password is available from the Membership Secretary.
Sheet music, rehearsal CDs and tapes. This is also where to buy the music folders the choir uses. Gives a 10% discount to Choir Members
A listing site for hunting MP3 and midi files for rehearsals. Links to loads including the splendid Silvis Woodshed
A site dedicated to promoting choral music in the UK. Includes a link to "concert finder" an online diary of choral music events throughout the UK.
This body represents and supports over 2,800 voluntary and amateur music groups throughout the UK, including choirs, orchestras, music promoters, samba bands, jazz groups, festivals, hand bell ringers, barbershop choruses, brass bands, and more...