We don't audition new members, anyone can join but it does help if you have some experience of choral singing and you can read or at least follow music. All we ask is that members commit to attending rehearsals or a regular basis and perform in our concerts whenever possible. We usually perform two concerts annually, in December and May. We have a committed and enthusiastic membership with a wide range of choral experience who love making music together in a fun, friendly atmosphere. We are also not afraid to challenge ourselves to make our performances the best they can be.
We normally rehearse every Tuesday night between late August and Mid May (with a short break in our rehearsal schedule at Christmas and Easter). Rehearsals begin at 7.30 pm and end at 9.45 pm (with a 15 minute break - tea and coffee are provided please bring your own reusable mug). The venue for our rehearsals is:
Upper Hall,
St Andrew's Church,
29 Roman Road, Bearsden.
G61 2SN
An annual membership fee of £100 is normally payable upon joining the choir. Membership covers the hire or purchase of all music. All music must be returned to the librarians when requested. Membership fees can be split over two payments.
We are a four part, mixed voice SATB choir and our repertoire includes a wide range of classical and contemporary pieces. Previous performances have included works by Bach, Handel, Mozart, Puccini and Bruckner. We have also performed less well known classical works and contemporary pieces as well as opera choruses and songs from the stage and screen.
If you would like more information about membership you can get in touch with our membership secretary or just come along to one of our rehearsals. Try us out for a week or two and join us if you think we are the choir for you - its as easy as that.
email: mail@kelvinchoir.com
Please see home page for details about our arrangements for rehearsals this session.